Jonathan's (Short) Reading ListHere's what I have read recently, am currently reading, and/or believe are important . . . because people ask.
"Congressional Power and Sovereignty in Indian Affairs" by Michalyn Steele (2018) "They Were Here First: American Indian Tribes, Race, and the Constitutional Minimum" by Sarah Krakoff (2017) The White Possessive by Aileen Moreton-Robinson (2015) Colonialism, Coloniality, and Settler Colonialism
Red Skin, White Masks by Glen Sean Coulthard (2014) The Transit of Empire by Jodi A. Byrd (2011) On the Coloniality of Power by Anibal Quijano (2024) Decolonization (I suggest that these be read in order as listed)
"Settler Colonialism and the Elimination of the Native" by Patrick Wolfe (2006) "Decolonization Is Not a Metaphor" by Eve Tuck and K. Wayne Yang (2012) "Colonising White Innocence: Complicity and Critical Encounters" by Alissa Macoun (2016) Indigenous Resurgence
Peace, Power, Righteousness by Taiaiake Alfred (2009) As We Have Always Done by Leanne Betasamosake Simpson (2017) Alternative Visions for the Future
The End of the Cognitive Empire by Boaventura de Sous Santos (2018) Epistemologies of the South by Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2014) The Failure of Modern Civilization and the Struggle for a Deep Alternative by Claudia von Werlhof (2011) |